new ludo.svg.easing()
Easing methods for SVG animations.
To see how the different functions work, see the SVG animation demo.
- Source:
circle.animate({ cx : 100, cy: 100, r: 10 }, { duration: 200, easing: ludo.svg.easing.outCubic, complete: function(){ console.log('finished') } });
<static> bounce()
bounce easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.bounce duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> bounce()
bounce easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outCirc duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> elastic()
elastic easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.elastic duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inCirc()
inCirc easing functions
circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inCirc duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inCubic()
inCubic easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inCubic duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inExpo()
inExpo easing functions
exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inExpo duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutCirc()
inOutCirc easing functions
circular easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutCirc duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutCubic()
inOutCubic easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutCubic duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutExpo()
inOutExpo easing functions
exponential easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutExpo duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutQuad()
inOutQuad easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutQuad duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutQuart()
inOutQuart easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutQuart duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inOutQuint()
inOutQuint easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inOutQuint duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inQuad()
inQuad easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inQuad duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inQuart()
inQuart easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inQuart duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inQuint()
inQuint easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inQuint duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> inSine()
inSine easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.inSine duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> linear()
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50 }); circle.css('fill', '#ff0000'); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.linear duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outCirc()
outCirc easing functions
circular easing out - decelerating to zero velocity- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outCirc duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outCubic()
outCubic easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outCubic duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outExpo()
outExpo easing functions
exponential easing out - decelerating to zero velocity- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outExpo duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outQuad()
outQuad easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outQuad duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outQuart()
outQuart easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outQuart duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outQuint()
outQuint easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outQuint duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outSine()
outSine easing functions
sinusoidal easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outSine duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });
<static> outSine()
outSine easing functions
- Source:
var v = new ludo.View({ renderTo: document.body, layout:{ width:'matchParent', height:'matchParent' } }); var svg = v.svg(); var circle = svg.$('circle', { cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 50, fill: '#ff0000' }); svg.append(circle); circle.animate({ cx:300, cy: 200 },{ easing: ludo.svg.easing.outSine duration: 1000, complete:function(){ console.log('completed'); } });