// TODO indicate strength of password /** Password field @namespace ludo.form @class ludo.form.Password @augments ludo.form.Text @description Form component for passwords. @param {Object} config @param {Boolean} config.md5 True to convert password value to md5. A call to val() will then return md5 of the password. @example ... children:[ {type:'form.password',label:'Password',name:'password',md5:true }, {type:'form.password',label:'Repeat password',name:'password_repeated',md5:true } ] ... */ ludo.form.Password = new Class({ Extends:ludo.form.Text, type:'form.Password', inputType:'password', md5:false, __construct:function (config) { this.parent(config); if (config.md5 !== undefined)this.md5 = config.md5; }, getValue:function(){ console.warn("Use of deprecated getValue"); console.trace(); return this._get(); }, _get:function () { var val = this.parent(); if (val.length && this.md5) { return faultylabs.MD5(val); } return val; }, reset:function () { this._set(''); } });