/** Specification of a drop point node sent to {{#crossLink "effect.DragDrop/addDropTarget"}}{{/crossLink}}. You may add your own properties in addition to the ones below. @namespace ludo.effect @class ludo.effect.DropPoint @param {Object} config @example var dd = new ludo.effect.DragDrop(); var el = $('<div>'); dd.addDropTarget({ id:'myDropPoint', el:el, name:'John Doe' }); var el = $('<div>'); dd.addDropTarget({ id:'myDropPoint', el:el, name:'Jane Doe' }); dd.addEvent('enterDropTarget', function(node, dd){ if(node.name === 'John Doe'){ dd.setInvalid(); // Triggers an invalidDropTarget event } }); */ ludo.effect.DropPoint = new Class({ /** id of node. This attribute is optional @property id @type {String} @default undefined @optional @memberof ludo.effect.DropPoint.prototype */ id: undefined, /** * Reference to dragable DOM node * @property el * @default undefined * @type {String|HTMLDivElement} * @memberof ludo.effect.DropPoint.prototype */ el: undefined, /** Capture regions(north,south, west east) when moving over drop points @config {Boolean|undefined} captureRegions @optional @default false @memberof ludo.effect.DropPoint.prototype @example captureRegions:true */ captureRegions: undefined });