/** Alert dialog. This component has by default one button "OK" and will fire an "ok" event when this button is clicked @namespace ludo.dialog @class ludo.dialog.Alert @augments ludo.dialog.Dialog @param {Object} config @example new ludo.dialog.Alert( { html: 'Well done! You solved this puzzle. Click OK to load next' } listeners : { 'ok' : this.loadNextPuzzle.bind(this) } }); will display a dialog in default size with a listener attached to the "OK" button. When clicked it will call the loadNextPuzzle method of the object creating the alert dialog. */ ludo.dialog.Alert = new Class({ Extends:ludo.dialog.Dialog, type:'dialog.Alert', buttonConfig:undefined, width:300, height:150, resizable:false, __construct:function (config) { if (config.substr) { config = { html:config } } if (!config.buttons) { config.buttons = [ { value:'OK', width:60 } ] } this.parent(config); } });